
Feedbacks and experiens  from students of the Lin Yun Wudang Kung Fu School

Dear visitors, here you can find opinions and experiences from students the Lin Yun Wudang Kung Fu School.

ROSE, visited our school in August 2023

I have been learning traditional Wudang Wushu and Tai Chi with Master Lin via video for almost a year. Finally I realized that I needed to meet him in person in order to see my idol in Wushu and Tai Chi, and secondly, to correct my own mistakes that I might not notice learning on the video.

I can say that the trip was a success, I returned inspired and now I know for sure that I will return there again and again. Master Lin’s new school is located on the top of Wudang Mountain, surrounded by forests, birds sing during the day, and cicadas chirp in the evenings, where your body and mind automatically relax and fee peace and tranquility.

Even the rain there is somehow romantic, relaxing… I lived alone in the room, although the room was designed for two people, the children had just finished the summer program and left. The room was cozy, clean, has everything you need – except for the bed there is a table, chairs, a fan, a large clothes rack.

The training place is very nice, comfortable, and from there, if you look up, you can see the famous Golden Top of Wudangshan, which is also very inspiring.

There are three balanced meals a day, the food is very tasty, there are a lot of vegetables, if you eat meat, they will cook meat for you. The school staff and other students is very attentive, kind, simple, warm and friendly.

And now about the most important thing, about studying with Master Lin Yun, here I decided to write point by point in order to highlight the advantages of full-time training with a master.

A clear training program: he divided my questions into blocks – tai chi, fist and sword – focheng.

Each lesson was dedicated to one topic, where we analyzed mistakes, and then he and I went through the form together, at the end he wrote the form down for me again, in a slow motion.

His sensitivity to the student and his talent as a teacher: Master very quickly understands where your problems are and helps to solve them until you do it right.

His openness: he answers all my questions, even those that do not relate to Tai Chi studies (about his attitude to nutrition, for example).

“I saw with my own eyes how talented Master Lin is in everything, I saw how he wrote calligraphy, played the flute, guqin. He does it all with such awareness, in the utmost “here and now”